Skydive Karjalan tapahtumakalenterista näet, mitä hyppykerholla kauden aikana tapahtuu. Hyppykausi on huhtikuusta lokakuuhun ja tarkempi viikottainen hyppytoiminta näkyy hyppytoimintaorganisaattorista. Hyppyharrastuksen saat alulle osallistumalla jollekin kalenterista löytyvistä alkeiskursseista. Kalenterin sisältöä päivitetään pian.

Movement skills camp with Inka and Claudio

17.6.2023 - 18.6.2023

Join us for a two day skills camp in Immola, Finland!

The event focuses on tracking and dynamic lines in groups of 6 + coach. We are aiming for six jumps a day.


Claudio and Inka Cagnasso

Both groups will get a day with each coach.

Minimum skills requirement: able to hold slot both on belly and back head first and brake off safely in groups of seven.

Camp fee: 160 € + your own jump tickets.

To register, email inka@teamfly4life.com

The small print:

- you commit on making six jumps a day with your group (we jump in safe conditions only), and will pay for your slot if you arrive late/miss a jump/want to finish early, unless you have a mental or physical condition that makes your jumping unsafe.

- slots for the skills camp are secured with full camp fee payment (payment info will be sent by email). In case of cancellation, your fee will be refunded only if we can fill up your slot.

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